WhatsApp has added a new payments feature for the Android beta version of the app, which will allow users to transfer money by scanning QR codes. This WhatsApp feature is in addition to the recently added 'Send to UPI ID' feature, and adds more functionality to the payments function of the world's most popular messaging app. Apart from this, there are more WhatsApp features reportedly spotted on the Android beta app, namely Advanced GIF Search and Stickers Search, but those are disabled by default. This is the latest in a long line of features that are likely coming to the main app soon, once the bugs spotted in beta are fixed.
Monday, 26 March 2018
Tuesday, 20 March 2018
Monday, 5 March 2018
Mercedes-Benz E400 Cabriolet 4Matic AMG Line 2018
It's not hard to understand why. Roof down you're going to that much more exposed to its charms – or otherwise – and because such cars champion laid-back luxury you really should have a powerplant of commensurate depth and refinement. Unless you're talking about a carbon-tubbed supercar, convertibles are also heavier than their coupe counterparts, … Continue reading Mercedes-Benz E400 Cabriolet 4Matic AMG Line 2018
Mercedes-Benz E400 Cabriolet 4Matic AMG Line 2018
It's not hard to understand why. Roof down you're going to that much more exposed to its charms – or otherwise – and because such cars champion laid-back luxury you really should have a powerplant of commensurate depth and refinement. Unless you're talking about a carbon-tubbed supercar, convertibles are also heavier than their coupe counterparts, so going with a punchier powerplant is of practical benefit, too.
Amazon will soon stop selling all Nest products
Nest products won't be sold by Amazon.com any longer once current stock runs out, according to a report from Business Insider. Amazon last year declined to offer some of Nest's newer products like the Nest Cam IQ and latest-generation smart thermostat. After weeks of simply ignoring the products and being unresponsive to Nest, Amazon informed … Continue reading Amazon will soon stop selling all Nest products
Amazon will soon stop selling all Nest products
Nest products won't be sold by Amazon.com any longer once current stock runs out, according to a report from Business Insider. Amazon last year declined to offer some of Nest's newer products like the Nest Cam IQ and latest-generation smart thermostat. After weeks of simply ignoring the products and being unresponsive to Nest, Amazon informed the company of its decision by phone late in the year and said the directive "came from the top," something Nest took to mean it had been handed down by CEO Jeff Bezos. There has been no direct confirmation of this, however.
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